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Testosterone Enanthate Steroid

Drug Class: Androgens and anabolic steroids

Generic Name: Testosterone injections

Testosterone enanthate is an injectable, anabolic steroid that comes as an esterified variant of testosterone with a slow-acting release. It was the first long ester testosterone approved in 1953. Testosterone enanthate is used to treat deficiency or low levels of testosterone in men [1].

In women, it is used to treat breast cancer. This highly versatile steroid is also used for performance-enhancing purposes by athletes and bodybuilders [2].

Chemical Characteristics:

Testosterone Enanthate has enanthate ester attached to testosterone. The Enanthate ester is attached to the testosterone structure at the 17-beta hydroxyl group. When you want to buy steroids UK and you are leaning towards Testosterone Enanthate please know that once injected, testosterone Enanthate enters the bloodstream, and the ester detaches itself from the hormone, allowing for a steady release of testosterone in the body. Within 24-48 hours of testosterone enanthate injection, testosterone levels will start to spike, resulting in the dissipation of testosterone throughout the body [3].

The half-life of Testosterone enanthate has a half-life of 8 days and carries an anabolic and androgenic rating of 100.

Benefits of Testosterone Enanthate:

If you have low levels of testosterone, you might experience the following symptoms:

  • Decreased energy
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Delayed male puberty
  • Decreased libido
  • Lethargy
  • Weakened immune system
  • HypogonadismOnce you start taking testosterone enanthate, you’ll observe the following results:
  • Enhance athletic performance
  • Improved lean tissue growth
  • Greater muscular endurance
  • Enhance levels of growth hormone
  • Increased protein synthesis


  • Improved nitrogen retention in muscles
  • High sexual desire [4]Testosterone Enanthate is also used to treat breast cancer in women that cannot be treated with surgery.Dosage and Administration of Testosterone Enanthate if you planning to buy steroids UK:Testosterone Enanthate is a yellow-ish or clear fluid that comes as an injection in 10 mL multiple dose vials or 1ml single use vial and is administered into a muscle via Intramuscular Injection. Your healthcare professional can initially prescribe lower doses to be administered over intervals in your TRT treatment depending on your requirements.To treat lower levels of testosterone, testosterone enanthate comes with a dosage of 250 mg injected every 3-4 weeks [5].

    If you’re to use testosterone enanthate for physique and performance enhancement, you’ll have to inject its dosage of 300-400 mg per week. The intermeiate dosage of testosterone enanthate is around 500mg per week where very experience bodybuilder goes over 500mg.

    As testosterone enanthate has a half-life of around 7 days, it must be administered once per week. If you want the optimal results, you have to administer the dose twice per week.

    Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate:

    The following are some side effects of testosterone enanthate:

  • Androgenic: Androgenic side effects include accelerated hair loss in those who are at risk of male pattern baldness, facial/body hair growth, acne, and increased oily skin.
  • Estrogenic: Aromatization of estrogen by testosterone enanthate can lead to excess water retention, increased fat retention, bloating, gynecomastia, and high blood pressure.
  • Cardiovascular: Excessive use of testosterone enanthate can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease. Testosterone enanthate can reduce HDL (good) cholesterol by 20-25% [6].The use of testosterone enanthate is legal in the UK without a physician’s prescription. Therefore, you can buy high-quality testosterone and other steroids from the UK without needing a prescription as schedule IV drugs.If all the above are fully understood and you are planning to buy steroids UK especially Testosterone Enanthate then yo are in the right spot.Please do consider all pros and cons and make the decision based on needs, goals and experience


  1. Amory JK, Kalhorn TF, Page ST. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral testosterone enanthate plus dutasteride for 4 weeks in normal men: Implications for male hormonal contraception. J Androl 2008;29:260–71. https://doi.org/10.2164/JANDROL.107.004226.
  2. Giorgi A, Weatherby RP, Murphy PW. Muscular strength, body composition and health responses to the use of testosterone enanthate: a double blind study. J Sci Med Sport 1999;2:341–
    55. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1440-2440(99)80007-3.
  3. Kaminetsky J, Jaffe JS, Swerdloff RS. Pharmacokinetic Profile of Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate Delivered via a Novel, Prefilled Single-Use Autoinjector: A Phase II Study. Sex Med 2015;3:269–
    79. https://doi.org/10.1002/SM2.80.
  4. Wu FCW, Waites GMH, Farley TMM, Peregoudov A. Effects of testosterone enanthate in normal men: experience from a multicenter contraceptive efficacy study. Fertil Steril 1996;65:626–
    36. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0015-0282(16)58166-7.
  5. Testosterone Enanthate Uses, Side Effects & Warnings – Drugs.com n.d. https://www.drugs.com/mtm/testosterone-enanthate.html
  6. MERIGGIOLA MC, MARCOVINA S, PAULSEN CA, BREMNER WJ. Testosterone enanthate at a dose of 200 mg/week decreases HDL-cholesterol levels in healthy men. Int J Androl 1995;18:237–
    42. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/ijan.1995.18.5.237.


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